black and white bed linen

Calendars designed for perspective and curiosity beyond your daily routine

In Space, astronauts see 16 sunrises and sunsets daily. There’s no gravity. No circadian rhythms. The sterile space station feels detached. Cold. Filled with cables and machines. Time becomes meaningless.

During long missions, a power outage might become a reference point—“before” or “after.”
Astronauts must create their own meaningful time markers. “Day 153” feels alienating otherwise.

What if we could bring that mindset back to Earth?
Why should our weekdays blur into the next?

It’s not about filling up your calendar — it’s about focusing on the experiences that shape your perception of time.

Welcome to a new kind of calendar. Inspired by astronauts, built for ordinary humans.


The problem is that people are researching how to extend life, when instead, it should be widened

Wide Time

Overview Effect

Astronauts experience the "overview effect" when viewing Earth from Space: details disappear, they only see the interconnected patterns of the ecosystem.

Zoom out and focus on the experiences that truly matter in your life, not just the day-to-day tasks that keep you busy

Inspired by astronauts, made for earth

Calendar Space Principles


Time can dilate. Time can go slower. Einstein showed time slows near strong gravity.

Slow down time by measuring how long it felt, not by how long it lasted

In space, time blurs with 16 sunrises daily. Astronauts, create their own time markers to keep track of the days, like "before" or "after the power outage."

Remind yourself life is more than ordinary routines. Strive to create events that shape time's passing. Live by amplevity

Amplevity (from Latin amplitudinem, wide extent) is opposed to longevity. A life perceived longer than the years lived, thanks to a high number of multiple perspectives, travels, challenges, experiences and lessons learned.

A wide individual’s life.

Featured in

The Calendar Collections

The Design

Be Reminded Life Is More
Than Work and Netflix

Your mind can amplify time. Embrace spontaneity and seek new experiences

Mark What Happened,
Not What’s Planned

Log experiences after they happen.
Prioritize experience over mere scheduling

Routines propel growth. Zoom out and ignore the noise of daily tasks.

Zoom Out,
Don't Get Lost In Daily Tasks

Tricks to make the most out of your calendar

From our fellow Earth people living in width

Our Time Research